Our Group Sessions create the backbone of the OZFIT program, each with their own unique benefits.

Find out more about the session styles
Capalaba Group Fitness Timetable 2024 January
Get your downloadable copy here.
Get your downloadable copy here.


All sessions are held at our OZ FIT Facility on Smith Street .

Unit 14 / 28-30 Smith Street,
Capalaba Q 4157

*COVID Regulations and Procedures are currently in place for all services and sessions at OZFIT Personal Training. It is a requirement on entry that you must hand sanitise, sign in, bring a towel and practice social distancing. Our trainers will direct you with further information regarding all procedures for before, during and after the session, especially for cleaning equipment and spacing during group sessions. Please see our Facebook page for more information. If you have any further questions please contact us for more information.

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