The 9 WEEK CHALLENGE is our new program designed to transform your body and achieve your fitness goals through structured and accountable plans.

Whether your goals are weight loss, strength related, fitness or muscle gain this program can be tailored to suit all goals and levels.

DATES: Coming Soon

Cant Wait & Ready To Begin?

Checkout our upcoming 10 Week Challenge for our new & improved weight loss program.
find out more TODAY

The 9WC package includes the following tools to help you succeed on your journey.

  • Up to 20 group sessions each week

  • 3x levels of program intensity to choose from depending on your goals

  • 3x levels of structured meal plans to suit your level of choice

  • 3x levels of training plan to suit your level of choice

  • Weigh-in and measurements every 3 weeks

  • Body scans at the start and finish

  • Transformation photos

  • 1x super group challenge

  • Challenge booklet

  • Private Facebook group for the challenge

  • Full support and accountability from your trainers during the program


SINGLE $45pw
VALUED @ $99pw

The $45 challenge payment will be added on top of your current members package each week


Registrations are now open for our ‘New-Year Healthier-You’ Challenge

If you’re interested or would like to know more, please contact us today

‘We not only help people lose weight we transform lives’

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